Withdrawal symptoms do cause discomfort, this is true. The long-term benefits of stopping substance abuse greatly outweigh the harm of addiction. The temporary discomfort of withdrawal is minor compared to a lifetime spent bound by the chains of addiction.
If you are going through withdrawal, here is how you weather the process. First, it is important that you see the process through to the end. Understanding the nature of addiction is imperative.
Two characteristics of addiction are obsession and compulsion. Obsession – the fixed idea that takes the person back time and time again to their drug of choice or a substitute, to recapture the ease and comfort of what is known. Compulsion – once having started the process of obsession, you cannot stop through your own power of will. You are completely in the grip of a destructive power greater than themselves.
A person in withdrawal may feel a compulsion to leave detox or escape the therapeutic process. These feelings are normal. Painful and difficult as they are in the moment, please weather the storm. Everything will get better one minute, one hour, one day at a time. With the right support, the process is easier.
Find Support and Give Up Control
During withdrawal, it is important to not be alone. A program of support in a medical detox facility is important. You can detox from home but it is not recommended. The symptoms of withdrawal vary depending on what you are detoxing from and can be mild to extreme. Symptoms are best managed with the assistance of experts at a quality professional facility.
Stop resisting and relax. You must temporarily give up control so that you will ultimately become a better manager of your life. It may not make sense now, but millions of people who once struggled with substance use disorders have found that “letting go” is beneficial during such a difficult time. Your environment should be calm and comfortable since noise and non-supportive people only make withdrawal more difficult.
The Goal is Your Recovery
Try to remain positive and focused on the goal. Everyone who has contemplated working toward an abstinent and sober life has wanted to stop living the way they were living before but struggled with being afraid to face life without alcohol or drugs. These feelings arise from depression and despair, yet they are natural when you begin any new journey or step into the unknown. Your feelings of hesitation may be the strongest during the withdrawal process, but they will lessen with time.
The Gift of Recovery Gives Back
The benefits of living your life free from addiction are endless. Recovery is an opportunity to create a richer, more fulfilling life in which your true potential can be reached. You no longer thrive on secrecy, deception, and denial. Recovery gives you many of the following.
A Life with Meaning and Purpose
One benefit of choosing recovery is that you start seeing meaning and purpose in life again. Once you have been sober for a while, you will have a clearer idea about what you want from life. This will give your life real meaning and purpose. You will have goals that are important to you and achieving these goals will give you great pleasure. It will increase your confidence and self-esteem. Recovery gives you the opportunity to examine your values, helping you develop an approach to life that is meaningful to you.
The Ability to Chase Your Dreams
To stay sober, you will have to pick up some effective tools for dealing with life. These strategies for dealing with problems are not only useful for keeping you sober; they can also be used to help you achieve your dreams. Lost dreams reawaken. The fact that you are no longer using drugs means you will have the time and energy to turn those dreams into reality. It is amazing what one can do when their focus has been shifted.
The Ability to Help Others
You are the greatest example of recovery people who continue to struggle can see. You are an example of how it is possible for a dramatic change to occur. This will boost your self-esteem knowing that you are a positive force in the world – a contributing member of society. You are finally able to look people in the eye with courage and confidence.
The Gift of Meaningful Relationships
Relationships based on alcohol and drugs are shallow. It is virtually impossible for those caught up in addiction to enjoy meaningful relationships. One of the greatest joys of sobriety is that you can begin developing deep connections with others. You also win back the respect of those you have hurt along the way. Finally ending the guilt and shame you felt in addiction. You are free to love unconditionally and to be loved.
A Sense of Inner Well-Being
You no longer feel lost. You finally feel safe and secure. Even greater, the hole you used to feel on the inside has been filled with something greater. You are back on track with life. You develop a real sense of well-being on the inside. Your soul has been set free.
The Gift of Emotional Sobriety
Emotional sobriety is the ability to handle your emotions but it also means that you will be able to deal with whatever is or will happen in your life. Physical sobriety means that you are no longer doing damage to your body and mind, but emotional sobriety is what brings you real happiness in recovery. The way you develop this is by dealing with life on life’s terms and by overcoming the challenges that come your way in sobriety, you become highly skilled and confident.
The Gift of Good Health
By giving up alcohol or drugs, you will have made a significant contribution to improving your physical and mental health. This means you can stop feeling sick and tired all the time. In order to get the most out of your sobriety, you will need to take further positive actions to improve your health; this could include things like improving your diet, regular exercise, and learning relaxation techniques. It is often claimed that your health is wealth, and you can get to enjoy plenty of this type of wealth in recovery.
The Gift of Serenity
The biggest gift is serenity. Serenity is a sense of inner peace and joy that does not go away. It is often the desire for this level of inner comfort that drives people in addiction in the first place, but the drugs and alcohol could not provide it. The serenity you always sought is now available to you if you are diligent in your recovery.
Don’t Give Up. We’re Here For You.
The discomfort of withdrawal for a brief period is well worth it to experience the many gifts recovery brings to your life. The possibilities are endless.
One of the most damaging characteristics of addiction is that it makes you believe you are better off using than sober. That is a lie. The truth is that recovery is where you will find true joy, community, comfort, and the ability to live with grace and dignity.
If you or your loved one is struggling with addiction, we encourage you to contact us at any time to learn more about addiction treatment and the recovery process. We are always available to answer any questions you may have and offer you support as you explore your options for healing.